Inground Pool Safety Tips

inground swimming pool

When it comes to having an inground pool at your home, it is necessary to ensure a safe environment throughout the entire year and not just during swimming season.

Below are some valuable safety tips for pool owners to consider:

First and foremost, the most important safety measure is to have CONSTANT ADULT SUPERVISION when needed.
Install safety fences for all inground pools to protect children, special needs individuals and pets.
Add alarms to all windows and doors with access to the pool area. Remember to include pet doors!
If you can afford it, install video monitoring devices around the pool area.
Have personal flotation devices available for people who cannot swim.
Create and enforce rules for your family and guests such as no running, horseplay or glass containers.
Never leave toys in the pool as it is too tempting for children and/or pets.
Always have rescue equipment near the pool and a telephone to call 9-1-1.
Learn how to perform CPR, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and other life saving skills.
Use a pool cover during times when the pool is not being utilized.
Whenever a child is missing, make sure the pool is the FIRST place you check!

Swimming pools can provide hours of fun and relaxation. However, be sure to make it a safe and stress free environment for all to enjoy throughout the year.