Water Health Tips For Your Inground Pool

Taking care of the water in your pool not only to ensures the beauty of your pool but also helps prevent the risk of any illness or injury to your swimmers.

The best time to test the water is in the evening, before adding chemicals and again first thing in the morning to ensure it is suitable for the day’s activities. The ideal pH level for pool water is 7.5.

Swimming pool water should in general appear clear blue in color. Any variations, such as cloudiness, may be caused by bacterial or algae growth, suspended matter or other contamination which must be dealt with. Strong sunlight can reduce the amount of chlorine in a swimming pool, therefore, monitor levels closely during hot sunny days.

Check out the YouTube video below from the American Chemistry Council and the Chlorine Institute on the use of pool chemicals:

Also, frequently clean the pool surface and surrounding area to avoid build up of suntan lotions, body oils, algae and dirt.

Follow these water health tips so you’ll have a fun but SAFE summer enjoying your inground pool!